Study of ETFs, Leveraged ETFs and LEAPs

Study of ETFs and Leveraged ETFs and LEAPs

  1. A leveraged ETF in a steady bullish trend may outperform its leveraging factor.
  2. a steady bearish trend can also result in a leveraged ETF outperforming its leveraging factor
  3. When an asset is trending with little volatility, a leveraged ETF can bring an excess return over the leveraged asset.
  4. A leveraged ETF in a steady bullish trend may outperform its leveraging factor. But it depends on the sequence of losses and gains, and cannot be predicted or even calculated with a statistical model.

About Timeless Investor

My name is Samual Lau. I am a long-term value investor and a zealous disciple of Ben Graham. And I am a MBA graduated in May 2010 from Carnegie Mellon University. My concentrations are Finance, Strategy and Marketing.
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